Well, here's the thing - I've only just realised quite how fast life is getting the better of me. And by that I mean running round me in circles while I stand here, stressed, tired and a little confused, doing - more or less - nothing whatsoever.
Now this strikes me as a bit of a waste of time. Seeing as we live in a "world of opportunity" and all that. Problem is, the more opportunities there are, the less of them we seem able to grab. There's so much pressure to 'have it all' that it's a nightmare even trying to have any of it (let alone enjoy it).
So I've decided to take a step back, and work out the little things that make it possible to enjoy a little bit of everything, without going crazy and without wasting a single precious moment. (Excuse my cheesy moment. That happens sometimes. It's over now, I promise..)
But that's it, in a nutshell-ish type thing. Speaking as a thoroughly average girl/Londoner/student/foodie/fitness lover/general life enthusiast, I think it'd be pretty good to work out a few ways to make the most of life whilst getting the better of all the usual excuses/problems (i.e. I'm too tired/have no time/I'll do it another time/don't feel like doing anything...etc.)... you get the idea. I guess, in the end, whether there's a 'meaning of life' or not, we might as well enjoy the darn thing, no?
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